Edwardian Club Fender – Custom


This item is special in that the price listed is the BASE price for this item, and the total cost is not calculable through the store. Basically, considering all factors, this is an average FLOOR price for a custom regent fender. The ordering portal will charge you accordingly for this base price when you order. Then, separately, you will be charged for whatever remains for the custom size you require.

Custom-size fenders are fixed and do not have an adjustable width, so please use the measuring chart to confirm the size you want. And to provide the correct dimensions.

The price is $31 per inch for smooth seats. $36 per inch for shallow or deep tufted buttoned seats.

The by-the-inch charge is for the total amount of length, so the width and both sides return (depth).

For example: An edwardian fender with smooth seats that is 80″ Wide x 20″ Return is billable as 120″ Total Inches = $3720 (120 inches x $31 per inch for smooth seats)

If your size is anything under 60 inches, please see the Regent Club Fender standard size as you may be able to use that. If you cannot use that and still want custom, then please call us for pricing as your cost will be under the price listed herein.

Seat Height 18″

Seat Width 6.5″

Weight 85 lbs